Kin-Di Chang



Department of Dentistry

College of Dentistry

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University


DDS (National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taiwan)
MDSc  (National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taiwan)
Resident, Visiting staff of Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Certificate in Dental Implantology (Taiwan)
Cetificate in Family Dentistry (Taiwan)
Certificate in Craniomandibular Disorders (Taiwan)

Appointment Status

Prosthodontics, Occlusion, TMJ

Membership of Associated Professional Bodies
Academy of Dental Implantology, ROC
The Association of Family Dentistry, ROC
Taiwan Academy of CranioMandibular Disorders
Association for Dental Sciences, ROC

Research Interests
Preventive dentistry
Database of National Health Insurance

Dental materials

1992 2nd place award for annual monograph competition of Dentistry journal (VGH, Taipei)
1995 Categroy B research award for teachers in university (National Science Council)

Email Address :


  1. Chen CS, Hsu ML, Chang KD, Kuang SH, Chen PT, Gung YW *, Failure analysis of enamel fracture after debonding orthodontic bracket. The Angle Orthodontist. 2008, 78(6):1071-1077.
  2. Kao HC, Chung WN, Chen FC, Hsu ML, Chang KD, Finite element analysis of different superstructure in a single distal implant restoration. Journal of Dental Sciences 2008, 3(3):140-149.
  3. YW Gung, KD Chang, ML Hsu, SH Kuang, PT Chen, and CS Chen, Failure analysis of enamel fracture after debonding of orthodontic bracket, Paper#89057, accepted by the IADR/AADR/CADR 85th General Session and Exhibition of the International, American and Canadian Associations for Dental Research, March 21-24, 2007.
  4. 季麟揚,張景智:牙醫師參加繼續教育之意願及其影響因素。衛生署93年度委託研究計劃成果報告,2005。
  5. Chou IC, Chang KD, Yang CC, Lee SY. Vital tooth bleaching. J Dent Sci 2004, 24(2):153-160.